Hattiesburg DUI Wreck

Hattiesburg DUI Wreck

A Hattiesburg DUI Wreck was caused by a woman named Judy Haynes.  According to authorities, Haynes ran over a man who was laying in the street.

Hattiesburg DUI Wreck

Haynes ran over Stanley Easterling in this Hattiesburg DUI Wreck.

Now, in this situation, I’m not sure if Haynes should be charged with what criminal lawyers call a DUI Causing Death.

The reason is because I can’t tell exactly what happened.

This Hattiesburg DUI Wreck was sometime between 9:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.

If it was a night and Hayes was laying down in the street, I just don’t see how Haynes could be at fault.

On the other hand, if there was adequate lighting and the fact that Haynes was drunk caused her to be unable to stop, then maybe she has criminal liability.

Certainly, under almost any scenario, Hayes has what I call “civil liability.”  The proof is much less in a personal injury case than in a criminal case so there Hayes (or her insurance company) may have to pay for causing the death.

BUT, please understand that I’m not a criminal lawyer so I don’t know.

I’m smart enough to know what I don’t know and criminal law is not my area of expertise.

But, I’ve had to hire a lawyer before and it was what I call a LAWYER NIGHTMARE!!

You know what I’m talking about.

The lawyer forgot about my case.

The lawyer forgot about me.

And nothing got done.

That’s why I’m on a MISSION!

My Hattiesburg DUI Wreck Mission

My mission is to STOP bad Hattiesburg DUI Wreck lawyers!

If you got hit by a drunk driver and had injuries, then you definitely want to hire the RIGHT lawyer BEFORE you get the WRONG lawyer.

I’m so focused on my mission that I’m doing something my assistant says is CRAZY!!

I’m going to GIVE you my book for FREE!!!

My book REVEALS SECRETS that lawyers and insurance companies don’t want you to know!!

Just click on me, the Legal Crusader, below to get started!!

After you click on the Legal Crusader below, you’ll get taken to another page where you need to scroll WAAAAAAAAY down to the bottom of the page and put in your information.

So click on the Legal Crusader below to get your FREE Book!!

Hattiesburg DUI Wreck Injuries
The ULTIMATE Hattiesburg Car Wreck Legal Crusader

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