Larnie Whitfield Driver Sought

Larnie Whitfield Driver Sought

The person who did not stop and hit Larnie Whitfield is being sought by the police.

If you have any information about this accident, please contact the police.

I’m certain the family of Larnie Whitfield would like to know what happened.

Larnie Whitfield Tragedy

This was an awful tragedy for all involved.

And unfortunately, Larnie Whitfield is dead.

And while it was involving Larnie Whitfield, a pedestrian, and not a car wreck, I still want to encourage you to wear your seat belts!

Larnie Whitfield – My Seat Belt Mission

Look, Larine Whitfield wasn’t wearing a seat belt.  He was apparently just crossing the road when someone hit him.

One  of my missions is to get you to WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT!!

And wear it every time you get in a car.

It just might save your life.

I’m so focused on this MISSION that I’m doing something my assistant says is CRAZY!!

I’m going to give you my book for FREE!!!

You know lawyers don’t give anything away for free so you better act now to get it!!

This is a LIMITED TIME offer so get it while you can!!

Just click on my book below and you’ll go to another page where you have to scroll WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down to the bottom of the page and put in your information.

So click on my book below to get it FREE!!!!

Larnie Whitfield Killed In A Tragic Accident
The ULTIMATE Guide To Mississippi Accident Cases.


P.S.   And by the way, I report accidents just like the papers and tv and about a million other sites on the internet.  I’m certainly not trying to offend anyone by doing this.

But, if you call my office and tell me I should be ashamed for GIVING MY BOOK AWAY AND TRYING TO GET YOU TO WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT, then something is seriously wrong with you!

I mean, the  Sun Herald is certainly writing about these same stories to sell newspapers, they aren’t GIVING AWAY NEWSPAPERS!  HELLLLLOOOOOO?

Before you decide to call my office, make sure you call the Sun Herald, WLOX, and about a million other websites who are certainly SELLING something when they report these tragedies.

I’m not selling a darn thing.  I’m giving something away which is UNHEARD from lawyers.

I mean, I’m trying to do something good here.

Look, if I do something stupid, I’ll be the first person to say I’m wrong, but when I’m trying to get you to wear your seat belt and you criticize me, give me a break!

I mean, good gracious, most lawyers are trying to steal your money, lie to you, jack you around (similar to what insurance companies do to you)  and I’m giving away a book and I’m getting calls about giving my book away for FREE?


  1. Maybe I am a bit emotional, but I think using my brother’s death in what appears to be nothing short of an advertisement for your book is beyond shameful. Consider this, the driver that hit my brother mught have been wearing his/her seatbelt, this person is nevertheless still alive while my brother was left in the street, run over like a dog. There may be cudos for a seatbelt however I will reserve my language for the rest, would not be appropriate or pleasant.

    • Hi Ms. Snider,

      I am so sorry for your loss. What a terrible tragedy for all involved.

      You may know that Mississippi has a terrible seat belt compliance rate and if I can just save one life by getting people to wear their seat belt, then I feel like I’ve done something special.

      It is my mission. And I preach about it as often as I can and as much as I can.

      As to shamefulness, I’m not ashamed. I’m trying to do something good. And Mr. Whitfield’s ex-wife had no problem with it and even told me so.

      And please understand I’m terribly sorry for your tragedy but I certainly would like to prevent another tragedy and if giving away my book for free will
      get people to wear their seat belt, then I’m going to do it.

      By the way, did you notice that the Sun Herald, WLOX, and the other 20,000 blogs talking about your brother’s death, were actually trying to make money off your brother’s death? Heck, they had ads selling electronics, video games, dvds, and everything else under the sun when they wrote about your brother’s death. You definitely should contact them about that.

      At least I’m trying to do something good, unlike everyone else just trying to make money off your brother’s death.

      I’m not trying to make any money off of it. And I don’t want any money off of it.

      I just want people to wear their seat belt and I try to encourage them to do so by giving away my book for free. Heck, I’m not even charging shipping costs for the book.

      I don’t know of any person, much less lawyers, doing anything like this in this entire country.

      And since I’ve been doing it, please understand that I’ve had literally dozens of people contacting me and thanking me for trying to do something good with a terrible tragedy, including family members of people seriously injured and killed in accidents. They appreciate that at least someone is trying to make something good out of a tragedy.

      That not only makes me feel good, but I’ve had family members and friends say to me they’re wearing their seat belt as a result.

      I just can’t get much more satisfaction knowing that I might save someone’s life by doing this.

      Is that okay that I feel that way or am I out of line? I certainly don’t want to be out of line with you or anyone else but the feeling that I might’ve saved someone’s life is incredibly rewarding to me.

      Again, I’m terribly sorry for your loss and my condolences to you and everyone involved.

      I just don’t know what I’d do if I lost a family member like that.

      Just a terrible tragedy.

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