Bay St. Louis Workers Comp Accident – Michael Bullock

Were you in a Bay St. Louis, Mississippi Workers Comp accident?  My client, Michael Bullock, was in a workers comp accident.  He is from Sumrall, Mississippi.  He injured himself and I was able to help him through this accident.

In fact, he hired another lawyer before hiring me (he was lucky that I had room to handle his case as I just settled one when he called).  The other lawyer he hired simply did not do his job.

According to Mr. Bullock, the other lawyer never even prepared him for certain things in the case.  As a result, the case when horribly wrong.

Then, I got hired.  I got the case back on track and I was able to get a successful result for Mr. Bullock.

But, I don’t want to talk further.  Just listen to what he had to say about his case.

By the way, if you have a lawyer or want to fire your lawyer, or whatever you want to do.  Do yourself a favor, read my book FIRST.  Just click on the book link below.  If you “like” and “share” the video on youtube, I’ll send you another FREE Gift.




The ULTIMATE Guide To Mississippi Worker's Compensation Accidents

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