Gulfport Mississippi 18 Wheeler Wreck

I had a potential client contact my office about their Gulfport, Mississippi 18 Wheeler wreck.  Unfortunately, this was a wreck that caused someone to die.

They were in a “hurry.”  I say this often and I mean what I say: DON’T GET IN A HURRY to hire a lawyer.  First, you may not need a lawyer (read my book to find out why).  Second, you need to find the RIGHT lawyer BEFORE you hire the WRONG lawyer.

And guess what?  The lawyer that this person hired was the WRONG lawyer.  How do I know?  Because the lawyer doesn’t specialize in trucking wrecks (or wrecks where an 18 wheeler hits you).  Oh, the lawyer says he does.  In fact, if I named this lawyer and this law firm you’d probably tell me that I was nuts as you think this lawyer and this law firm is good.

The trouble is, what you think and what is reality is two VERY different things.  I have been involved in litigation with this particular lawyer and he doesn’t know what he is doing with trucking wrecks.  My soon to come book, Top 5 Questions You Should Ask Your Trucking Accident Lawyer BEFORE You Hire Him will explain more.

My current book, Top 5 Mistakes That Can DESTROY Your Trucking Accident Case, tells you a good bit about how to find the RIGHT lawyer.

It is yours free as long as you pledge to wear your seat belt while driving.  Just click on the book below to get it.



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