Charles Scrimpshire Wrecked Silas Cruthirds

Charles Scrimpshire Wrecked Silas Cruthirds

A D’Iberville, Mississippi car wreck sent two men to Biloxi Regional Medical Center for treatment.  According to authorities Charles Scrimpshire Wrecked Silas Cruthirds.

Charles Scrimpshire Wrecked Silas Cruthirds

Apparently, Scrimpshire ran the red light at the intersection of I-110 and Sangani Boulevard in D’Iberville and caused this accident.

The injuries were so severe that after going to Biloxi Regional Cruthirds was airlifted to USA Medical Center.

Charles Scrimpshire Wrecked Silas Cruthirds – Seat Belts?

I don’t know if either of these men were wearing their seat belt.  The fact is when Charles Scrimpshire Wrecked Silas Cruthirds it might not have mattered.

And I don’t know if wearing a seat belt would’ve prevented the serious injuries.

But, in MOST wrecks, wearing a seat belt WILL prevent injuries.

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Charles Scrimpshire Wrecked Silas Cruthirds - D'Iberville Car Wreck Lawyer? FREE Book Answers All Your Questions!
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