Girl Hit By Truck In Critical Condition At USA

Girl Hit By Truck In Critical Condition At USA

An 11 year old girl hit by truck in critical condition at USA is now fighting for her life.

The girl hit by truck in critical condition at USA was in fifth-grade at Crossroads Elementary

She was hit crossing Dedeaux Road and 6:19 A.M.  Authorities have not released her name and the parents will not allow media to know either.

Girl Hit By Truck In Critical Condition At USA

The driver who hit her was cited for having no license or insurance.

The man charged for the girl hit by truck in critical condition at USA is also being investigated by immigration agents.

Girl Hit By Truck In Critical Condition At USA – My seatbelt Mission

When I heard about the girl hit by truck in critical condition at USA it really bothers me!

I have children myself and I have no clue what I would do if this were to happen to any of my children.

I report most of the accidents I see, and some of them have nothing to do with seat belts!

But that is irrelevant, because I am going to try and do whatever it takes to make my seat belt mission a success!!!

Just click on me the legal crusader and SIGN MY SEAT BELT PLEDGE!!!!!!!!

If you do that I will GIVE you  my book for FREEEE!!!!!!!!

Just sign the pledge and WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT!!

Click on me to get started, and it will take you to another page, scroll waaaaaaaaay down and give me your information and you will get my book for NO CHARGE!



Girl Hit By Truck In Critical Condition At USA
Girl Hit By Truck In Critical Condition At USA




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