Worker’s Compensation Lawyer in St. Martin

Worker’s Compensation Lawyer in St. Martin

Have you ever heard of a slip and fall accident?

It is exactly what it sounds like.

An accident where you slip and fall.

Well me, being a Worker’s Compensation Lawyer in St. Martin, I hear alot of stories, and I have an interesting one to tell you about.

Not that it is actually a case for a  worker’s compensation lawyer in St. Martin, but it’s pretty cool!

As a worker’s compensation lawyer in St. MartinI don’t exactly handle situations like this, but I couldn’t help but share this.

Worker’s Compensation Lawyer In St. Martin

At a Best Buy in Augusta, GA. around Christmas time some Marines were outside taking donations for Toys for Tots.

A man gets caught stealing, and is chased down he gets irate and pulls a knife out.

The Marines tried to stop him, and he stabbed one of them.

Here is the great part.

The fugitive was also transported to the l0cal hospital.

For what?

Police say that he obtained: a broken ankle, a broken leg, two broken arms, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, a broken nose, and a broken jaw.

It gets better, police report says the cause of the injuries was a slip and fall off the curb when he stabbed the other Marine.

Worker’s Compensation Lawyer in St. Martin – My Bad Worker’s Compensation Lawyer in St. Martin Mission

I don’t condemn people beating the crap out of each other, but this man was DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!

As a worker’s compensation lawyer in St. Martin I would never want my client to be hurt at work, and not get what they deserve!!

How many Worker’s compensation lawyers in St. Martin give stuff away FREEE??????

I think safety is a big issue, and that is why I am giving away my book FREE!!!

I want to stop all bad worker’s compensation lawyers in St. Martin.

That is where my mission STARTS!!!

I want you  to read my FREE book before you hire any lawyer, including me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So click on me the Legal Crusader to get started today!!!!!

Worker's Compensation Lawyer in St. Martin
The ULTIMATE LEGAL Crusader For St. Martin, Mississippi!

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