Fire Truck Runs You Over & Kills You? Insurance Company Judges Don’t Care

Fire Truck Runs You Over & Kills You –  Insurance Company Judges Don’t Care

A lovely case came out of our Mississippi Court of Appeals.

Benjamin Russell got in a wreck in Attala County, Misssissippi.

Russell used his cell phone to call his family after the wreck.

Fire Truck Runs You Over & Kills You –  So What Says Insurance Company Judges

After Russell called his family, he collapsed in the road.

The Attala County Fire Department then comes charging up the road and runs him over.

They kill Benjamin Russell.

So what says the insurance company Judges.

Fire Truck Runs You Over & Kills You – So What Says Insurance Company Judges

Benjamin Russell’s family then files a lawsuit against Attala County.

You’d think he’d win this easily, right?


The Mississippi Court of Appeals dismisses the case and Benjamin Russell’s family loses.

A disgusting decision in my opinion.

That could’ve been me lying in the road.

It could’ve been you.

It could’ve been your kid.

How would you feel if the stupid fire department runs over your kid after a wreck and kills them?

For whatever reason, we love insurance companies in this state.

I have no idea why.

They cram it down our throat by electing Judges and legislators who do back flips for them.  And then when we get in a wreck, we wonder why the law is the way it is.

I don’t wonder.

I know why it is.  Insurance companies spend tens of millions of dollars in this State to influence you.

Make you think they really are a “good neighbor.”  I’d laugh if this weren’t so serious.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Benjamin Russell and his family.

And just in case you’re reading this and thinking the greedy lawyer is just crying about his lawyer’s fee. . .I didn’t represent the family involved.  I’m just disgusted by the decision.

And you should be also.  That could’ve been you or your kid.

It’s real easy to blame the lawyers.

It’s not so easy to put yourself in Mr. Russell’s shoes.  Or his family’s shoes.

Try those shoes on and see how they fit.

Then come talk to me about me being greedy.

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