Mikal Watts – Idiot Or Not

If you read this regularly, you know I despise most lawyers.

I think most of them are idiots.

I think most of them are incredibly difficult to deal with.

I think most of them have no problem lying.

But, on this Mikal Watts guy that got indicted for filing false BP claims, I’m not so sure here.

You see, BP is a gigantic corporation.

And America these days is run by corporations.

Politicians are bought and paid for by corporations with billions upon billions of dollars.

The kind of money that no one person or even thousands of people could ever hope to spend.

And I don’t care if you are Republican, Democrat, Independent or whatever you are – if you think politicians have our interest at heart, think again.

Money talks.

And if you aren’t giving it to them, then you aren’t getting anything done.

So, what does that have to do with Watts?

It wouldn’t surprise me if BP is trying to go after a lawyer criminally with the help of the U.S. Justice Department.

So they can deflect the incredible stupidity, ignorance, and probably intent with causing that idiotic Gulf Oil spill.

Heck, BP already tried to get out of paying what they agreed to pay by appealing the cases for years.

So why would this be any different.

But, I don’t know this Watts guy either.

So I don’t know what happened here.

He represented bunch of clients and representing the thousands he represented can cause mistakes.

I just don’t know what I think yet.

Stay tuned.

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