Are We Going To Allow China To Rule America?

Are We Going To Let China Rule America?

by Jay Foster, Mississippi Car Wreck Attorney

I know we usually blog about car wrecks and worker’s compensation accidents and other types of accidents on our website.  However, what I read today about China shows this country is really getting out of hand.

China is now trying to blackmail American car companies into forcing them to hand over advanced battery technology for cars.  China recognizes that future job creation is in this area and the Chinese Government has already spent billions trying to develop the technology.  Meanwhile, in the United States, due to politics, our government has not spent near enough money to properly develop the vast number of jobs that will develop in this area.

We have Representative John Dingell and Senator Levin from Michigan trying to stop this but I predict that even if this is stopped, the Chinese are going to continue to kick our rear-ends in this and other areas because we let them walk all over us.  Why?  I have no idea.  All China does is poison us with their products and put our fellow Americans out of work.  It disgusts me.

The next time you look at buying a Chinese product, think twice.  It just might be your job on the line next.  And if you think you cannot buy American these days, you are wrong.  You can go to Roger Simmekar’s website: how Americans can buy American and  see the literally thousands of American-made products you can buy.

If you have questions about this or any other car wreck, please call or email Mississippi Car Wreck Attorney Jay Foster right now by clicking here.

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