Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr Of Gulfport

Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr Of Gulfport

Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr of Gulfport admitted to drinking beer before he took the life of DeAnna Tucker.

DeAnna Tucker was at House Of Tux dealing with her wedding plans.

Her son was in the car right before DeAnna Tucker was pinned between her car and Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr Of Gulfport.

Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr of  Gulfport is represented by Michael Crosby.

Michael Crosby doesn’t think his client will get a fair trial if he pleads guilty.

Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr Of Gulfport

Michael Crosby says that Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr Of Gulfport would have pleaded guilty for 10-12 years but 20-25 was not a fair trial.

Michael Crosby also states that Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr Of Gulfport is willing to take full responsibility for this tragedy.

I don’t think that no pleading guilty is taking responsibility.

Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr of  Gulfport was selfish and took the life of the innocent victim, DeAnna Tucker.

Her child will be scarred for life.

It is terrible.

How would it affect you to see sombody you love have their life taken?

Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr Of Gulfport -My Seat Belt Mission

Even though this has nothing to do with seat belts, I still would like to take some time to ask you to wear your seat belt.

You never know what could happen, and it could be the last thing to save you.


And as a dad, I would never want my children to ride in the car without a seat belt, I am going to do something EXTRA special.

If you sign my seat belt pledge AND leave a comment on here saying that you will enforce the seat belt pledge to your children as well, I  WILL GIVE YOU A FREE ACCIDENT KIT!

It has everything you need if you happen to get into an accident.

Just click on me the LEGAL CRUSADER to get started!!!!!!!

P.S. Don’t forget to leave me the comment for the accident kit!!!!

Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr Of Gulfport
Darrell “D.J.” Blappert Jr Of Gulfport

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