Dog Lays Down At Casket – Best Photos I’ve Ever Seen

I know I usually write about what I do, that is, car wrecks, worker’s compensation accidents, etc. on this blog.  However, this is one of the best photos I’ve ever seen in my life.  Both my Dad and my Stepfather served in the military and this photo  captures the image of the military life.

Navy Seal Jon Tumilson died in Afghanistan.  . .

His helicopter was shot down.

His dog’s name is Hawkeye.  They were such good friends that Hawkeye went to the funeral.  As one of Tumilson’s friend was walking down the aisle to eulogize him, Hawkeye followed and laid down at the casket.  Below is the photo.

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Hawkeye The Dog Lays By His Owner's Casket
Hawkeye The Dog Lays By His Owner's Casket

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