Elaine Clark And Alijah Osborne Dead In Car Wreck

Elaine Clark And Alijah Osborne Dead In Car Wreck

Elaine Clark and Alijah Osborne.  Both great people.

Clark was a grandmother.  You may have known her.

If you didn’t, let me tell you that her family members say she loved her grandson Alijah Osborne very much.

Elaine Clark and Alijah Osborne was driving home on Bells Ferry Road in Harrison County, Mississippi.

Elaine Clark And Alijah Osborne Dead In Car Wreck From Speed

As Clark was going around the curve on Bells Ferry Road, a truck coming from the other direction was driving too fast.

The police say he was over twice the legal speed limit.

And he didn’t make the curve.

The impact caused the driver of the truck to flip over and smash against a telephone pole.

He actually lived.

Unfortunately, Elaine Clark and Alijah Osborne did not.

Elaine Clark And Alijah Osborne Dead In Car Wreck – My FREE Book Offer To You!

I don’t know that seat belts would’ve saved anyone’s life in this accident.

Elaine Clark and Alijah Osborne might still be dead (and they may have been wearing their seat belt, I don’t know).

But, I do know that seat belts WILL save your life in most accidents.

I’m on a MISSION to get you to wear your seat belt.


Because we have a real problem with getting people in Mississippi to wear their seat belts.

So do me a favor, please take my Mississippi Seat Belt Pledge.

It will only take a second.

If you take it, I’ll send you my book for free.

All you have to do is take the Mississippi Seat Belt Pledge.

So click on the book below to get started.  After you click on the book, you will get taken to another page where you will scroll WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down and put in your information.

If anything, take the pledge for your family members and friends.

Elaine Clark And Alijah Osborne Harrison County Mississippi Car Wreck Case
The ULTIMATE Guide To Mississippi Accident Cases.


  1. Elaine was my wife and Alijah my grandson we raised his short life. Alijah always was taught to and did buckle up every time. That night he was sitting close to the door peering out the window worried about his lost dog he loved so much. All he wanted was to protect the dog from being lost and hungry. His love cost him his life that night. For no other reason would he have been unbuckled. I have tried to get everyone to wear seatbelts but the most common answer is I would rather take my chances. Don’t people, my loved ones are dead, you might be next. According to the coroner, the damage was so severe that a belt would not have saved Alijah in this instance, but I will always wear one.

    • Mr. Clark,

      I’m so sorry for your loss.

      I don’t even know what I would do if I were in your situation.

      I have four kids and I love them to death.

      Again, I’m so sorry for your loss.

      • I am Alijah’s mother, daughter of Elaine Clark. What you should be worrying about is not what they should of done to save there lives cause regardless if he was wearing a seat belt of not, my mother was still killed and she had hers on. If the sorry piece of dirt had not been speeding or even drinking for the matter, he would of never killed them. He needs to pay for what he did, but unfortunately the jury thinks there was not enough evidence to indict him. So nobody will be writing a book pertaining to my mother and son without my knowledge. Thank you,

        • Hi Ms. Wahl,

          I’m so sorry for your loss. As I told Mr. Clark, I have four kids and I just don’t know what I would do if I lost one of them. My condolences to you and your family and friends. It sounds like he was driving drunk which not very smart at all and apparently caused this accident. What a terrible tragedy.

          As to my book, I hope I didn’t confuse you, the book I wrote is not about this car wreck. It is about how and I why I became a lawyer, etc. And for a limited time, I’m giving away my book to people that take the Mississippi Seat Belt Pledge. I just want to try and get people to wear their seat belts and I thought this would be a good way to do it.

          Again, I’m so sorry for your loss.

          • I am the sister of Alijah Osborne & granddaughter of Elaine. I don’t believe a seatbelt would have save either one of them. The only thing that would have saved them is if the inconsiderate driver who caused the wreck wouldb’t have been speeding and drinking. But, everything happens for a reason and i now know that i have to perfect guardian angels watching over me. Good luck to you and your book.

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