Gulfport, Mississippi DUI Car Wreck Lawyer

A victim of a Gulfport, Misssissippi DUI Car Wreck had his leg amputated.  Dewayne Morgan spoke recently about the dangers of drunk driving in Mississippi.  He was hit by a drunk Mississippi driver.  He almost lost his arm in the wreck.   He was thrown about 100 feet out of his truck.  According to the Mississippi Highway Patrol, the six southern most counties in Mississippi lead the State in drunk driving deaths.

Morgan told the crowd that the lady that hit him was in prison and so were her kids.

I don’t know if Morgan was wearing his seat belt in this car wreck but the statistics show that Mississippians overwhelming don’t wear one.  It will save your life.

If you take the Mississippi Seat Belt Pledge, I’ll send you my book for FREE!  Just click on the book below to get it!


The ULTIMATE Guide To Mississippi Accident Cases.
The ULTIMATE Guide To Mississippi Accident Cases.

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