How Your Mississippi Insurance Company Tries To Cram It Down Your Throat

How Your Mississippi Insurance Company Tries To Cram It Down Your Throat

I say this all the time: insurance companies are like bookies, whether you win or lose, they always win.

Here’s an example.

Insurance companies don’t want to pay what they owe no matter what.

So one of the things they do is hire expert doctors to say a whole bunch of things about you.

The hired expert doctor will say you are a liar, you weren’t hurt in your car wreck, if you were hurt in the wreck you  were really hurt before this wreck, and you are faking your injuries.

There is no length to what an insurance company, including your insurance company, will do to cram it down your throat.

I hear people say, what they heck do you need a lawyer for?

Lawyers are pieces of lying crap.

I don’t disagree.

I have to deal with lawyers every day.

It’s frustrating.

As you can tell by my website, I hate most lawyers.

But, if you think lawyers are bad, wait until you get in a wreck and have to deal with your own insurance company.

And I don’t care what insurance company you have, they all are not helping you.

Their job is to take your money and never pay you anything.

So one of the doctors that insurance companies hire is a guy by the name of Dr. Raul Vohra.

Dr. Vohra says things in his reports about you such as malingering, somatoform disorder, pre-existing condition, degenerative condition, etc.

These doctors says stuff like this a lot.

So what does it mean in English?

It means you are a liar.

It means you are a faker.

It means if you aren’t a liar or a faker, all your injuries happened before your car wreck or accident at work.

It means that all your problems were due to you getting older.

It’s just a bunch of medical baloney to try and make sure you don’t get your worker’s compensation benefits.

I see the same doctors hired repeatedly.

These doctors are not hired because they are going to say you got hurt in the accident and you are a great person.

No, the insurance companies aren’t stupid.

They know what they are doing.

Why else would they hire the same doctor again and again?

And I’m quite sure that one of these doctors is now going to threaten me with a lawsuit.

They will have one of their insurance company lawyers send me a nasty letter threatening to sue me.

What doesn’t make sense is they’ll send this letter even though what I wrote is the truth.


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