Jennie Roper Dies In Wiggins Car Wreck

Jennie Roper Dies In Wiggins Car Wreck

Jennie Roper died in a Wiggins, Mississippi Car Wreck.  She was only 41 years old.  Roper was only a few hundred feet from her house when the crash happened.

The accident is still being investigated by authorities.

Jennie Roper Dies In Wiggins Car Wreck

Jennie Roper‘s car was upside down in a ditch filled with water.

She was wearing her seat belt at the time of the accident.

My condolences to her family and friends as this was a horrible accident.

Jennie Roper Dies In Wiggins Car Wreck: My Mission

While Ms. Jennie Roper was wearing her seat belt, you know that we have a serious problem here in Mississippi in getting people to wear their seat belts.

The problem is bad enough that I’m doing something my assistant says is crazy!!

I’m going to give you my book for FREE!!

I normally charge $29.95 for this book but for a LIMITED TIME you get it FREE!!

The only catch is you MUST take the Mississippi Seat Belt Pledge by clicking on my book below.

After you click on my book below, it will take you to the Mississippi Seat Belt Pledge page where you need to scroll WAAAAAAAAAAAY down to the bottom of the page and put in all your info.

So, click on my book below!!

Jennie Roper Wiggins Mississippi Car Wreck Case
The ULTIMATE Guide To Mississippi Accident Cases.


Jennie Roper Wiggins Mississippi Car Wreck
Wiggins Car Wreck


  1. I am so sorry for their loss. She was a real sweet person with a great laugh. She will be missed.

  2. Do u handle any cases that the Department of Human Resoure where they take ur grandchildren and then they won’t give them back they won’t give drug screens or work with the mothers. Well i know when my 6 yr old grandaughter gets old enough she is going to sue the heck out of them. Because grandparents have no rights in MS. The State has more rights to my blood than i do what is your stand on this. Poor people who can’t afford lawyers have no chance against this and it is mainly Stone County DHS never had problem with other counties as far as complaints.

    • Hi Ms. Bunn,

      Unfortunately, that is way out of my area. I handle just four areas of the law: car wrecks, 18 wheeler wrecks, longshore accidents, and workers comp accidents.

      I’m smart enough to know what I don’t know. And I don’t know anything about DHS. However, you can get a FREE lawyer by calling 601-948-4471. They may be able to find you a lawyer that deals with DHS and will handle your case for free. Thanks for commenting and I’m sorry I’m unable to help you on this one.

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