Lawyers Trying To Ban My Book

Lawyers Try To Ban Books

So the lawyers are at it again.

They are trying to ban my book.

They don’t want you to know the SECRETS that I reveal in my book.

The lawyers don’t want you to know the truth.

They have tried everything to stop me.

They’ve tried to have my license taken away.

They’ve tried to sue me.

They’ve even taken on cases they would never take just to try to sue me.

Everything these Mississippi and out of state lawyers have done is to try and keep the truth from you.

Heck, I even wrote about this before and they tried to use that against me to take my license away.

It’s amazing how jealous and petty lawyers really are.

They remind me of a 5 year old kid who lost playing marbles and would takes his marbles and “go home” and cry to Mommy that the other kids weren’t playing fair.

I just try to ignore them and realize that I can’t make lawyers act like mature, adult, human beings.

I got an email from someone asking what lawyers are doing this.

Well, they’ve already threatened to sue me several times, tried to take away my license, so I’ll avoid naming them for now.

I’ll try to be professional about it, even though they aren’t.



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