Ocean Springs Lawyer – Why I Hate Some of Them


Ocean Springs Lawyer

So the rule that frustrated me today with a lawyer is Rule 35 of the Mississippi Rules of Civil Procedure.

It basically is about giving me documents.

The problem is I have to rely on the honesty of the other lawyer.

I’ll bet you can see where this is headed. . .

So, it depends on what Ocean Springs Lawyer you’re talking about but. . .

I really despite some of them.

They are an incredible pain in the neck.

What’s funny is just about every Ocean Springs Lawyer I know wonders why the public hates us.

Ocean Springs Lawyer

I don’t wonder.

Because I deal with them every day.

And they are incredible pain.

I’ll give you an example.

Ocean Springs Lawyer

I sent what are called document requests to a lawyer on a simple car wreck case using Rule 35 (lawyers can’t go to the bathroom without some sort of rule).

I had to file the lawsuit because the idiot insurance company refused to pay even for my client’s property damage even though they were clearly at fault for the wreck (so the next time you wonder why I’m in Court on a simple car wreck case – this is one of the reasons why).

This is just to get me to send the documents on the case such as medical records or medical bills or pictures or just any sort of document that is involved in the case.

Now, because of the difficulty in dealing with lawyers in the past, I know you have to send of ton of these requests because lawyers love to hide or sometimes outright lie about the documents they have.

So I sent almost three dozen requests for documents to this Ocean Springs Lawyer.

And I asked just about every way I could think of: send me anything about the case, send me anything about my client, send me anything about the wreck, send me any document you might even think relates to the case.

In dealing with a normal human being, that should be enough, right?

But, you see, not every Ocean Springs Lawyer is a human being.

I think they live on Mars or something because plain English just doesn’t work for them.

So the response I got was, you know Jay you just didn’t ask me for anything I got with a subpoena.

No kidding Sherlock.

But, I asked you for every document even remotely related to this wreck.

As I said, English just isn’t good enough.

So I waste some more time sending more requests so the insurance company lawyer can bill the insurance company for his time and make himself some more money.

And lawyers wonder why the public hates us.

As I said, I don’t wonder.


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