Steven Watts Dead In Car Wreck

Steven Watts Dead In Car Wreck

Steven Watts and his son died in a car wreck on Christmas Night in a car accident near Magnolia, Mississippi.  His son was just one month old and Steven was only 21 years old.

Rhonda Jones was also killed in this accident.

I don’t even know how I would get through this tragedy if it happened to me.

Good gracious!

According to authorities, Steven was driving and ran off the road and hit the cable system separating the lanes on Interstate 55.

The police also said Steven and Rhonda were thrown from the car.  My condolences to everyone involved.

I don’t know if seat belts would’ve saved them but I’m on a MISSION about seat belts.

Steven Watts Dead In Car Wreck: My Car Wreck Confession

I used to not wear my seat belt.

I thought the law was stupid.

I thought it was more government interference in my life.

I thought we give up enough rights in this country, I’m going to be hard-headed and not wear it.

Fortunately, for me, I haven’t learned the hard way.

But, I’ve had to help enough people like yourself whose family member would not have been as injured or perhaps still be alive if they had worn their seat belt.

So, I wear mine every time I get in a car.

And I want you to wear it to.

And that’s part of my mission.

Steven Watts Dead In Car Wreck: My Car Wreck MISSION

So, I’ve got a mission for Steven Watts and others like him.  BEFORE you get thrown from a car, I want you to wear your seat belt.

I’m so focused on this mission that I’m doing something that my assistant says is CRAZY!!!

I’m going to give you my book for FREE!!!

That’s right, you heard me.

A lawyer, me, is giving you something for FREE!!

That’s completely unheard of!!

But, I want to STOP you from ending up like Steven Watts.  I don’t want you or any of your family members to ever get thrown from a car.  You won’t survive the wreck if you do.

So, you get my book for FREE!!!  All you have to do is take the Mississippi Seat Belt Pledge!!!

Just click on the book below to get it!!!

When you click on the book below, it will take you to another page where you will take the Mississippi Seat Belt Pledge and scroll WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down to the bottom of the page and put in your information.

So, click on the book to get it for FREE!!!

Steven Watts Magnolia Car Wreck Lawyer? FREE Book Answers All Your Questions!
The ULTIMATE Guide To Mississippi Accident Cases.

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