Stupid Lawsuit – $150 Million For Pants

And lawyers wonder why we have a bad reputation with you.

We have it because it is deserved.

Remember the idiot that sued for $150 million dollars because a dry cleaners did something to his pants?

Fortunately, the Judge ruled against him and he has to pay $83,000.00 in legal fees.

See, the system does work sometimes.

But, that is not the point.

Why would the idiot sue for $150 million for pants in the first place?

It is just dumb.

A waste of the Court’s time.

It is a waste of everyone’s time.

The guy was Roy Pearson.

What you may not know is he is a Judge himself.

Yes, that’s right, the guy that filed the stupid lawsuit over pants was a Judge.

I bet you’re wondering, how he got in that position?

You might be surprised at the number of Judges we have in office in Mississippi that have little to no legal experience.

What disgusts me about this idiotic lawsuit is it went on for two years.

I don’t know what the Defendants’ lawyer was doing but taking two years to get a case to trial over a pair of paints it dumb.

I have an idea what the Defendants’ lawyer was doing.

He was billing the heck out of his client.

Billing them unnecessarily because there’s no way it takes 2 years to get a case to trial over a pair of pants.

So, in this situation we have two idiot lawyers: 1.  Idiot Lawyer number 1 for suing for a pair of pants.  2. Idiot Lawyer number 2 who represented the Defendants for taking 2 years to get the case to trial so he could charge his clients a bunch of money.

This really is one of the stupidest lawsuits I’ve seen in a long time.



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